Sverige är idag ett land med många kulturer. Vi välkomnar därför fler sökande med invandrarbakgrund. Vår önskan är också att fler kvinnor söker till Polisyrket.
We Can't Be Bothered To Be Original Or Unique. No Original Thought Whatsoever. I Am Studip. Kamt Sbel. Nor Read. That's Why We Just Steal Posts From Other Bloggers, Blurbers, Baboons and Buggers To Try To Make Ourselves LOOK Good. And We DO Look Good. Amazing, In Fact. Success! We Don't Care About Anybody Else But US! In Truth, We're Just Cheap, Lazy And A Little Creepy Looking, Too. Welcome guest stars:
STRAPPON, What Goes Around,
MOLEMAN Junior Shrinkwrap
Most Humble
The Great Blondion
El Blondino Grande
Den Store Blondino
Der Wunderbare Übermensch
"Inga är så hopplöst förslavade som dom som tror dom är fria" -Johann Wolfgang Goethe
"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
If you can read this then you are paranoid and should be. Expose the illuminati. No conspiracy can withstand exposure.