Tuesday, March 27, 2007


This is a rarity with no title or catalogue number making it hard to track down when searching!

Released in 1996, just after 'Rien' and prior to the release of 'YOU KNOW faUSt', possibly a promotional cd only? Simply titled 'faust' on the cover.

The CD features 6 songs (some old, some new) all having a 1996 remix treatment.

Not Nearest By
Komm mit
A 70's Event
Sad Skin Two
Expecting S. In Love
Fastened 60/60



V (The Unreleased Virgin Promotional Cassette) - 1975

Following the release of their (now) legendary Faust IV LP and the subsequent tour, but shortly before being dropped from their Virgin label, krautrock pioneers Faust took it upon themselves to record their fifth album and run up an ongodly studio bill. Once Virgin got wind of the proceedings, the band had to quite literally escape from their studio and were subsequently arrested when they attempted to sneak back in to retrieve their tapes. Despite having been released from their Virgin contract, a promotional cassette of these sessions began to mysteriously circulate, and either because the result of those high-dollar sessions was so incredible or the fact that the tape was so difficult to come by, those who had heard it claimed it to be the finest work of the band's career. Now that the tape has become readily available some 30 years on, I lean towards the former. Filled with abstract, mechanized grooves, cut and paste collages and wildly imaginative guitar freakouts, the result is quite unlike anything happening in its day, and had it been released, would join Can's Tago Mago or Neu! 75 in the pantheon of krautrock's elite.



Another great bootleg from Buschelche's archives. Recorded in Aston, UK, 04.03.1977. Very good stuff, very good sound quality. Enjoy! N.B. I have again forgotten about the password! Password - Can


Soon Over Babaluma - 1974

The final LP in what many refer to as Can's "golden period," Soon Over Babaluma was also their first album following the departure of vocalist Damo Suzuki. As a logical progression from the ambient funk of its predecessor Future Days, Soon Over Babaluma explored this theme even further and featured guitarist Michael Karoli and keyboardist Irmin Schmidt taking over Suzuki's vocal duties with surprisingly effective results. While they would continue to produce music that was a marked improvement over their krautrock contemporaries, this LP is the last of their career that worked well as a whole, and (coincidentally) their final album to be recorded using a two-track recorder. Amazing, amazing stuff.

SOM BITTORRENT FINNS DEN HÄR: http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=babaluma (+ Tago Mago, Unlimited Edition, Landed, Saw delight, Flow Motion, Ege Bamyasi, Delay, Paris Olympia)

Captain Beefheart and His Magic Bands

Railroadism (Live in the USA 72-81)

What a fine collection! Although it's heavy on recordings from the Captain's late 70s-early 80s "comeback" period, this live compilation pulls together so many of the facets that made his live appearances so brilliantly bizarre; the bits of spoken word, the baiting of a surly audience, and a band that both sounds like it's being held together by a thread but could nail every inch of music with razor-sharp precision. Perhaps most memorable is that at least three different incarnations of his Magic Band are represented, and thanks to meticulous track selection and sequencing, the effect of presenting the hodgepodge as a singular concert is overwhelmingly successful. The highlights are numerous, but my favorites include "The Blimp," "I'm Gonna Booglarize You Baby" and "Dirty Blue Jean."


Captain Beefheart - NEW & IMPROVED!

The Brown Star Sessions - 1972

The 1972 sessions that produced the Spotlight Kid and Clear Spot LPs marked a new era in the recording career of Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band. With the Captain appearing to have loosened the structural death grip he imposed on his musicians since the Trout Mask Replica LP, the tracks that make up the Brown Star Sessions illustrate the band exploring some new turf by stretching out the tunes and taking their polyrhythmic mayhem to new heights. The results are similar in feel to the officially released Mirror Man Sessions, but more relaxed and varied in style and instrumentation. A number of the tracks here are either instrumental or wildly different versions than those that would appear on Spotlight Kid, Clear Spot and subsequent LPs. Check out the rubbery "Boogler Risin'", which later became "I'm Gonna Booglarize You Baby" and the slower than molasses take on "Clear Spot." The fidelity here is better in some points than others (some sound like studio masters, others contain a little tape hiss) but this is easy to overlook when the music is as potent as this stuff. Enjoy a good freak out.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Billy O'Göbbels FOX "news"

Billy O'Reilley på propagandakanalen FOX (FIX) varnar Charlie Sheen att hans karriär är över om han lägger speakerröst på Loose Change.

Så här tyckte amerikanarna i en opinonsundersökning.

Från Oktober 2004, efter O'Reilly's telefonsexskandal med Andrea Mackris, tittandet på hans program halverades och har inte återhämtat sig efter det.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hawkwind - Tales from Atom Henge: The Robert Calvert Years

Robert Calvert has become one of my favorite vocalists. Sadly, like many of the greats, no longer with us. This collection, released in 1992, collects together some of Hawkwind finest moments from the period between '76 and '79 from 'Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music', 'Quark Strangeness and Charm', 'Hawklords' and 'PXR5'. Also featured are a couple of rare non-album tracks in the shape of instrumentals, 'Honky Dorky' and 'The Dream of Isis'.

CAN - GERMANY 1976 VOL.1 (1976)

Excellent bootleg with very good sound quality. Recorded in Hannover 11.04.1976.
password : Can

Friday, March 16, 2007

Asie Payton

Asie Payton
Album : Worried [CD]
Release Year: 1994

1. I Love You - mp3
2. Worried Life
3. Nobody But You
4. Please Tell Me You Love Me - mp3
5. Asie's Jam
6. Can't Be Satisfied
7. All I Need Is You
8. Come Home With You
9. Skinny Legs And All
10. I Love You - Solo

Asie Payton died of a heart attack on May 19, 1997, in Holly Ridge, Mississippi. It occurred in the early afternoon, while he was driving a tractor in the same fields he'd worked most of his sixty years. For all of 1995 and most 1996, Fat Possum tried unsuccessfully to convince Asie that the world outside Mississippi needed to hear him. But despite living below the poverty level and desperately needing the easy money of a gig, he could not be lured away from Washington County for more than a couple of hours.

Fat Possum succeeded in recording Asie twice: once at Junior Kimbrough's club, and once at Jimmy's Auto Care, Fat Possum's old studio. Obviously, all the songs on Worried were recorded during these two sessions, and originally intended to be demo tapes. At the time, all we knew about Asie was that he lived in a shotgun shack -- no phone, no a/c; and that whenever the fields were dry enough for tractor tires, he was working in them. When they were too wet, Asie was impossible to find. He lived in Holly Ridge almost all of his life and, like his father before him, spent Saturday nights playing in one of the two small grocery stores that qualify Holly Ridge for a name on the map-- a place, instead of just a county-road intersection.

Asie Payton

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This Can's bootleg includes two tracks from last gig with Damo Suzuki in The Emdias Theatre, Edinburgh at 25.08.1973 and one track from BBC, London at 19.02.1974. Quality sound is 7,5-8 from 10.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Turkiet förbjuder YouTube

Ataurk på burk

Nu stängs YouTube ner i Turkiet. Anledningen är att innehållet på sajten skadar den turkiska landssjälen.
En turkisk domstol beordrade på onsdagen landets största internetleverantör, Turk telekom, att stänga ner sajten YouTube.
Anledningen - på sajten finns videosnuttar som förlolämpar Turkiets landsfader, Mustafa Kemal Ataurk.
Chefen för Turk Telekom, Paul Doany, säger att bolaget har påbörjat arbetet med att blockera sajten.
– Ett dombeslut är taget, och vi kan bara göra som vi blir tillsagda, säger han.
De senaste veckorna har det pågått ett sorts virtuellt krig mellan turkar och greker på YouTube. Båda sidor har publicerat videos som förnedrar och baktalar den andra nationen. I en video förlöjligar grekerna Ataturk och påstår att han och hela det turkiska folket är homosexuella.
Att kritisera landsjälen är ett brott i Turkiet.
Per-Erik Gustavsson


Damo Suzuki's final effort is Can's most atmospheric and beautiful record, a spartan collection of lengthy, jazz-like compositions recorded with minimal vocal contributions. Employing keyboard washes to create a breezy, almost oceanic feel (indeed, two of the tracks are titled "Spray" and "Bel Air"), the mix buries Suzuki's voice to elevate drummer Jaki Liebezeit's complex rhythms to the foreground; despite the deceptive tranquility of its surface, Future Days is an intense work, bubbling with radical ideas and concepts.

Holger Czukay - bass, double bass
Michael Karoli - guitar, violin
Jaki Liebezeit - drums, percussion
Irmin Schmidt - keyboards, synthesizers
Damo Suzuki - vocals, percussion

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Sexmejl bakom attack på astronautkollega"

Lisa Nowak, William Oefelein och Colleen Shipman.
AFTONBLADET 6e mars 2007:
"Sexmejl bakom attack på astronautkollega
Kvinnlig astronaut i svartsjukedrama
Sexmejl kan ligga bakom den amerikanska astronauten Lisa Nowaks mordförsök på en kvinnlig kollega vid NASA.
Nya uppgifter om den amerikanska astronauten Lisa Nowaks vansinnesdåd framkom på måndagen, enligt den amerikanska nyhetssajten CNN.
Det var efter att Lisa Nowak upptäckte sexmejl från astronautkollegan Colleen Shipman i pojkvännens dator, som hon iförd rymdblöja och peruk körde till flygplatsen i Florida för att mörda sin kärleksrival.

Misslyckat mordförsök
Mordförsöket misslyckades, Colleen lyckades fly och larmade polis.
Händelsen inträffade i början på februari och har fått stor uppmärksamhet. Lisa Nowak, som även är kollega med Christer Fuglesang, är nu åtalad för mordförsök.
Lisa Nowak hävdar att hon är oskyldig till vansinnesdådet." -Per-Erik Gustavsson
Annsofie Andersson

Lyssna på det radioprogram som länkas i posten "Anna Nicole Smith & Mind Control", här längre ner på sidan, om ni vill veta vad det handlar om.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Illuminati Bankers Hired Hitler to Start WW2

'The ink wasn't dry on the Versailles Peace Treaty before the Illuminati started work on World War Two by building Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Before 1919, Hitler had been a political "gun for hire" who had many Jewish friends and had flirted with both Communism and Socialism. Overnight he became a virulent anti-Communist and anti-Semite. What happened? He had become an intelligence officer. Throughout the 1920's the Reichswehr secretly funded his party and trained his SA "Brownshirts".'


Mail till ADL


Thank you for contacting the Anti-Defamation League. We would like to assure you that we read all correspondence we receive. If a reply is required, we will make every effort to respond to your inquiry within ten business days.

The ADL Online Team

You wrote us regarding: Other

You wrote: Hello! A jewish friend of mine takes pride in having anscestors that go back to Palestine what christians would call the time of Jesus. He claims that only a few percent todays jewish people have any roots in that area but are from peoples like the Kazars that converted to judaism in the 8th century. And since semitic means arabic, the majority of todays jews are according to him no semitic at all. That confuses the term anti-semitic for me. Is there any truth to his claims? Please straighten this out for me. /Peace Olof Alexandersson


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith & Mind Control

Anna Nicole Smith är DID (Dissociative identity disorder). Man skapar en Manchurian candidate, DID, så här: Innan barnet är 6 år gammalt utsätter man barnet för ohyggligheter som sexuella övergrepp, ritaual mord etc, Sånt som ett barn inte kan förstå eller hantera. Som skyddsmekanism byggs barriärer upp i hjärnan. Man fortsätter tills hjärnan är uppdelad i flera mindre utrymmen. Dessa utrymmen förses med var sin personlighet som inte är medveten om de andra. Dessa utrymmen programmeras sedan var för sig. Ofta genom en altarpersonlighet, som barnet INNAN övergreppen tex. I klippet ovan förstår inte Anna varför det är konstigt att ha Clown-smink pålagt med ett barns yviga fingrar. Hon vet inte heller vad en svamptripp är för något, 39 år gammal i partyeliten. Därför att hon är 4 år. Tror hon eftersom hon är i den altarpersonligheten när det här filmas. Howard K Stern (inte Howard Stern, radiosnubben) är hennes 'handler', programmerare.
Lyssna och titta. Inget sludder. Inga felsteg. Hon är inte påtänd eller på nåt annat berusningsmedel. Hon är ett barn.
LyssnaFreeman som förklara mer ingående på Red Ice Radio.
"Freeman is back with us for an excellent program on his latest article on Anna Nicole, Brittney, and Mind Control.
Topics discussed: Mk-Ultra. Monarch Mind Control, the Butterfly Effect, The Mickey Mouse Club, Brittney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith and her recent death, Anna Nicole's Daughter Dannielynn, the Court Case Howard K Stern, Bloodlines, Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien, Sex Cults and Pedophile rings."

Labels: ,

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Jazz Butcher - Meets Count Dracula

Pat Fish's band has been known alternately as The Jazz Butcher, The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy, and The Jazz Butcher And His Sikkorskis From Hell

Allas vår favorit, den store Pat Fish, denna sjuka människa. Dom andra i bandet kan ju inte vara friska heller. Var en gång på skivmässa. Eftersom jag var ute efter, först och främst, kraut gick jag direkt till de tyska skivförsäljarna. Köpte där ett gäng med kraut LP med vad som för dom flesta är konstig musik samt Jazz Butcherns Sex & Travel. Han gick igenom bunten för att räkna ihop priset. Han lyfte fram S&T och sa "This is a very strange band". Tyskar har lite, ja vad ska man kalla det, annorlunda syn på verkligheten mot oss andra. Deras paradigmer är lite specialiserade. Erik Nordling kan vittna om detta efter ett års studiebesök. Fast kombinationen att gilla JB å Kraut, även om vi kan relatera till detta, kan nog ses som annat än normalt enligt utomstående. Det finns en värld utanför vår subkultur med människor som inte är kapabla att uppskatta, dom är mer för plockepinn än schack så att säga, vår goda smak. Har jag hört.