Saturday, April 28, 2007

Indisk Thriller

Tipsad av ökenräven Piwvs.

Sjukt land, Indien. Jag har varit där.

Indiskt Beatles. Maximum perversum e en bizarr tysk porrfilmserie, har jag hört. Termen även applicerbar på den östindiska (in-)kontinenten.
Lika bra vi blåser på med mer Indiskt:

Dellamor dellamor dellamor. (kanske helt enkelt ska vara de l'amour, men med indier vet man aldrig). Vissa märkliga textrader har engelska subs. Inga påhitt, tydligen, utan nån vänlig själ som påpekar det jag redan sagt.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sverigedemokraterna sämst på svenska

Snott från City Stockholm/Expressen
STOCKHOLM. Sverigedemokraterna håller svenskheten högt men deras kunskaper i svenska tycks inte vara så lysande.

En representant från varje politiskt ungdomsförbund inbjöds nyligen att göra högskoleprovets ordförståelsedel. Sverigedemokraterna skickade Michaela Stellnert från Täby (man får anta att den bäste valdes ut).
Placerade sig sist

Hon klarade 23 av 40 svar och placerade sig med god marginal sist. Långt bättre resultat hade Ali Esbati från Ung vänster, han har sina rötter i Iran och MUF-representanten Camilo Goine från latinamerika. Segrare blev David Winks från KDU, 40 rätt av 40 möjliga.

Så här gick det

1. Kdu - David Winks 40/40.
2. Ung Vänster/Liberalernas Ungförb - Ali Esbati/David Ekstrand 39/40. 3. MUF - Camilo Goine 38/40.
4. Centerns Ungdomsförbund -Karl Malmqvist 35/40.
5. SSU - Malin Hansson 31/40.
6. SD - Michaela Stellnert 23/40.
7. Grön Ungdom - Walk Over. De dök aldrig upp.

Av David Grossman

Sun Ra - Philly Jazz 666

Den här MYCKET skruvade mannen är inte precis lätt att ta till sig. Så här kommer en som går ner som medicin med lite socker i botten. Efter sötman kommer den bittra eftersmaken likförbannat. Här kan ni läsa en utmärkt analys av plattan. Ett utdrag (som inte är med i lipsillens post jag snodde länken ifrån):
"....All of the tunes generally follow the same basic structure: the Arkestra riffs on dark, bluesy motifs; the bass and percussion create an interlocking, unchanging groove; and behind it all Ra, on piano and synthesizers, and the two guitarists (a rarely used instrument in Ra’s music), fill in the space with ethereal chords and disembodied riffs....."

Sun Ra
Philly Jazz PJ 666

Side A:
Lanquidity (Ra)
Where Pathways Meet (Ra)
That's How I Feel (Ra)

Side B:
Twin Stars of Thence (Ra)
There are other Worlds (They have not Told You of) (Ra)

Ra-ARP, Fender Rhodes, Yamaha org, Hammond B3 org, Mini-Moog, p, orchestral bells; Crumar Mainman-voc; Eddie Gale-tp; Michael Ray-tp, flg; Marshall Allen-as, ob, fl; Danny Davis-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Julian Pressley-bs; James Jacson-bsn, fl, ob, ethnic voice; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl; Dale Williams-eg; Disco Kid-eg; Richard Williams-b, eb; Luqman Ali-d, perc; Atakatune-cga, tympani; Michael Anderson-perc; June Tyson-ethnic voice; Edde Tahmahs (Eddie Thomas)-ethnic voice. Blank Tapes Studio, New York, 7/17/1978. [Album jacket]

Monday, April 23, 2007

Crybabies of the cyberworld

Some get very upset if I rip post from their blogs without permission with music they have stolen and spread without permission. Go figure.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Monarch AK-Ultra Mind Kontrol Del 2

Nej, jag stavade inte fel i rubriken.

Här är det Freeman snackar om. Att Britney är trött på att "dom pluggar in saker i henne"(!!!)

Freeman joins Kory Kortis on Esoteric Science Roundtable for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, ... all » Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occultic ritual? You decide.

Friday, April 20, 2007

CAN inte få nog av CAN


Live auf der Waldbühne Berlin Juni 1971. This bootleg offers fascinating live tracks from Can at the height of the band's career, recorded in Berlin in June 1971, about the time that the masterpiece Tago Mago was hitting the shelves of record stores. Mother Sky finds the group improvising with incredible energy and creativity, at times veering into sheer noise as vocalist Damo Suzuki screams possessed while everyone else pounds away at maximum volume, at other moments creating ambient collages of sound. Clocking in at almost 20 minutes, "Stand So High," a track not on any of their studio albums, begins slowly but soon picks up speed, as the group improvises fluidly without losing its propulsive rhythm. The piece moves through different phases, and soon becomes driven by Irmin Schmidt's rapid-fire piano chords rolling up and down the scales. The even longer "Bring Me Tea or Coffee" follows, and while one might think this was a version of Tago Mago's "Bring Me Coffee or Tea," it's something completely different, another long, flowing improvisation with Suzuki gibbering insanely and some driving guitar stuff. To add to the confusion, "I Don't Care" actually does offer the riffs and rhythms of the above-mentioned Tago Mago track, though with Suzuki yelling "I don't care" through most of it. "Mother Sky" and "Spoon" diverge radically from the studio album versions. On "Mother Sky," Suzuki adds more vocals while the band makes the song rock harder, and toward the end the whole thing picks up frenetic speed like a runaway train flying down a mountain. "Spoon" sounds completely different than the studio version recorded six months later, as it almost seems like the band is inventing the piece for the first time. What is usually one of Can's tightest works begins with a very free-form approach here, like the more experimental abstract pieces on Tago Mago and Ege Bamyasi, until eventually the "Spoon" keyboard line begins to emerge and coaxes the others into a prototype of "Spoon." Suzuki begins to sing the familiar lyrics while the group tears into the piece with a punk-like speed and ferocity. The sound quality on the CD is not all that great, especially blurring Jaki Liebezeit's incredible percussion work, but the excellent performances of material that is either new or drastically reworked make up for the mediocre sound. ~ Rolf Semprebon, All Music Guide @192 pass: Can


This is famous Can free concert in Cologne, Germany, on February 3, 1972. Sound quality - 6 from 10 ( my opinion). Some people consider this one as the best CAN's bootleg. Password: Can @192


KRAAN - KRAAN (1972)
KRAAN - LIVE (1975)
Password: buschelche

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Anti-Christ, AntiKrist

Varför håller William, satans lamm, upp en bak-(vad heter klövar i singular?)?

Kolla in ögonen på alla bilder av honom ni ser hädanefter.
Århundrande av kunglig inavel av lett till en styrande klass av känslokalla utan samvete eller empati. David Icke kanske har rätt om reptilvinkeln?

Jesus, guds lamm

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Project Monarch: The Most Dangerous Game

Excerpt from Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips
Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to President Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign relations (CFR), and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality -- his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting.
Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming, as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?"

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Glad Påsk

Friday, April 06, 2007


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Clutch "Electric Worry" Music Video
Music video for Clutch's new single "Electric Worry"

Pick up the new record
"From Beale Street To Oblivion"


Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker (TORRENT HÄR)
det, ett 6pack och hot knife (smoking) botar måndagsångesten. guaranteed.