Friday, June 16, 2006

USA's Rymdflotta

US Navy har sen 30-talet och framåt haft många skumma projekt på gång. Philadelphia experiemtet tex som gick ut på att få USS ELDRIDGE osynlig, både för radar och visuellt. Detta skulle ha lyckats den 28e Oktober 1943, dock med många bieffekter. Folk som förlorat förståndet och de som satt fast i väggar etc när skeppet återvände.

Hacker Uncovered U.S. Space Navy

Gary McKinnon, the English hacker facing 70 years in U.S. prison for searching Pentagon sites for UFO evidence, says the weirdest thing he found was a list of "Non Terrestrial Officers" and fleet transfers between ships that don't exist in the U.S. Navy.

'I found a list of officers' names,' he claims, 'under the heading Non-Terrestrial Officers.'

'Non-Terrestrial Officers?' I say.

'Yeah, I looked it up,' says Gary, 'and it's nowhere. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of fleet-to-fleet transfers, and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't U.S. navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.'


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